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A 10% deposit is required to lock in all dates. Deposits can be paid via gift card to the following retailers:

Alo, AnthropologieApple, Books and BooksDelta AirlinesDover SaddleryGameStop, Guitar CenterHelloFresh, Hotels.comLululemon, Mandarin Oriental, Neiman Marcus, NordstromSaks Fifth Avenue, SmartPakEquineSpaFinderTarget, Total WineWest Elmor Williams-Sonoma.

I also accept deposits via cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum).

Please note: I no longer accept Amazon, Sephora, or Whole Foods gift cards for deposits. I will, however, graciously accept gift cards to these retailers as gifts. If you'd like to gift me something else, click here.


The above rates apply for all fly/train me to you appointments. For longer appointments, and to arrange, please inquire. A 10% deposit, plus expenses, is required in advance. Please note, I do require a first class round trip ticket to arrive feeling my best. I also require 8 hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep per night, and ask for one hour of alone time per day to keep myself in pristine form for you.


Please present compensation within the first 5 minutes of our appointment in a gift bag, card, or favorite book. Never make me ask for it. I also ask that everyone I see is well groomed, including a fresh shower, cleaned and clipped fingernails, fresh breath, and deodorant. You may shower at the beginning of our appointment at no cost to our time together. If you would like to cancel our appointment for any reason, please do so with more than 24 hours' notice and I will refund your deposit no questions asked. Lastly, don't be nervous! I know it's easier said than done, but I'm just a person. Let's lighten the mood with a joke or a glass of champagne. I do my very best to be a good hostess and maintain my usual cool and inviting demeanor. If you have concerns, please talk to me before our date begins.


While I try to be sympathetic of life getting in the way, tardiness later than 15 minutes will have to cut into our time. Cancellations made within 24 hours will result in a 10% cancellation fee and the following time we plan a date, a 25% deposit will be required. Second-time cancellations made within 24 hours will result in a 25% cancellation fee and a 50% deposit will be required for all future dates. Third-time cancellations within 24 hours result in a 50% cancellation fee and, unfortunately, we will no longer be a good fit.

THE FINE PRINT: Compensation is for my time only. Anything else that happens within our appointment and correspondence is between consenting and willing adults. Never talk about our appointment, or what happened within it, with others. If you would like for me to provide alcoholic beverages, snacks, costumes, props, etc., please also tip for the retail amount of these plus $20 (unless it's something I already own).  All beverage, snack, outfit, and prop requests must be in at least 24 hours before any tours/travels begin. Once I am on tour, I cannot accept requests of these natures. Any appointment 4 hours or longer requires public time together. Please keep this in mind if booking a lesser-timed appointment, as it also applies to extensions. 

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